$42,003,951 2012-13 The following guidelines will permit meetings to move smoothly and allow sufficient time for all comments to be heard: If you have a specific question regarding your child, begin by speaking with the teacher involved or with the building principal or administrator. The students continue to have full access to activities and programs at their high school, including the graduation ceremony. A specific timeline for these decisions is published annually, by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. In 2011, 94 percent of the 500 Pennsylvania public school districts achieved the No Child Left Behind Act progress level of 72% of students reading on grade level and 67% of students demonstrating on grade level math. The Board directs that complaints of bullying shall be investigated promptly, and corrective action shall be taken when allegations are verified. Eleven of 16 York County districts achieved a positive rating. The actions taken by the board ultimately have both short and long-term impact in the classroom. Countywide nearly $1 million was spent on transporting public school sports teams. [43], Additionally, students must successfully complete the requirements of the Graduation Project which is the cumulative research process demonstrated by the submission of an acceptable English III research project. York Suburban School District rejected about $330,000 from the state after its school board voted down a district proposal for a school police officer pilot program. ''The Daily Item'', May 25, 2010", "Tax Relief per Homestead 2010, Pennsylvania Department of Education Report May 1, 2010", "Pennsylvania Property Tax relief Report May 1, 2009", "Tax Relief per Homestead 5-1-09. Michael.Thoman@yssd.org State - 78.6%, 2010 - 91%, 74% advanced (4% below basic). When approved for the grant, the District would have received millions in additional federal dollars for improving student academic achievement. York Suburban School District was denied for funding in 2006–07. Vice President . The findings were reported to the administration and the school board. Farmers can qualify for both the homestead exemption and the farmstead exemption. This procedure enables you to get a direct and immediate response from the individuals directly responsible. YORK SUBURBAN SCHOOL DISTRICT Important Information for Parents 2. York Suburban Middle School located in East York, Pennsylvania - PA. Find York Suburban Middle School test scores, student-teacher ratio, parent reviews and teacher stats. In Pennsylvania, the homestead exclusion reduces the assessed values of homestead properties, reducing the property tax on these homes. The property tax is not levied on cars, business inventory, or other personal property. Cortney Hendrickson watched online the heated debate among the York Suburban school board members as they decided the back-to-school path for their 3,000 students. York Suburban School District did not participate in: Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection's Environmental Education grants, PA Science Its Elementary grants, Education Assistance Grants, 2012 Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy grant, nor the 21st Century learning grants. York Suburban School District was ranked 40th out of 498 Pennsylvania school districts in 2013, by the Pittsburgh Business Times. All requests must be made in writing. No reprisals or retaliation shall occur as a result of good faith reports of bullying. Interest earnings on accounts also provide nontax income to the District. [103], Audit In March 2010, the Pennsylvania Auditor General conducted a performance audit of the district. 2007 - Tested, The state did not make the results public. [160], By Pennsylvania law, all K-12 students in the District, including those who attend a private school, a cyber charter school, a charter school and those who are home-schooled, are all eligible to participate in the extracurricular programs, including all athletics. The district's Verbal Average Score was 512. York Suburban School District received an extra $338,739 in ARRA - Federal Stimulus money to be used in specific programs like special education and meeting the academic needs of low-income students. We're here to help! 2011 - 80% on grade level, 51% advanced (6% below basic). New Census Data on Property Taxes on Homeowners, Tax Foundation, September 22, 2009. Medication must be in the original container from the pharmacy with the original labeling intact. Certain types of property are exempt from property taxes, including: places of worship, places of burial, private social clubs, charitable and educational institutions and government property. Saturday, January 23, 2021 - Next School Day is Cycle Day M on January 25, The York Suburban School Board of Directors, Develop career exploration opportunities both inside and outside of the classroom while maintaining strong academics. The York Suburban School Board has set that a minimum of 23.8 credits, including English 4 credits, Social Studies 3 credits, Math 3 Credits, Science 3 credits, Arts/Humanities 3 credits, Physical Education 1 credit, Health .833 credit, and electives 9 credits. Property taxes in Pennsylvania are relatively high on a national scale. Homes for rent & sale near this district. The highest increase was awarded to Central York School District which received 12.54% in 2009. [127] A mill is $1 of tax for every $1,000 of a property's assessed value. According to a study conducted at the American Enterprise Institute, in 2011, public school teachers’ total compensation is roughly 50 percent higher than they would likely receive in the private sector. The proposal must include estimated revenues and expenditures and the proposed tax rates. Designated funds and any other funds, such as capital reserves, are allocated to specific projects. The closet is stocked with free school supplies, clothes, and hygiene items to benefit the growing population of students experiencing a difficult time meeting their basic needs. [73] The Center for Schools and Communities works in partnership with the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime & Delinquency and the Pennsylvania Department of Education to assist schools and communities as they research, select and implement bullying prevention programs and initiatives. Parent / Guardian. Top york suburban school district jobs View All. [150] In the Spring of 2010, 135 Pennsylvania school boards asked to exceed their adjusted index. Parents must bring the medication to school, or call the nurse for individual arrangements to be made. York Suburban School District - BoardDocs is intended for the use of subscribers and licensed customers. [153] In 2010 within York County, the highest amount went to York City School District set at $495 per approved homestead. In Mathematics, 97% of students in grades 3rd - 5th were on grade level. Business Manager of Record & Board Secretary . In 2009, the superintendent's salary was $143,000. The school district is governed by 9 individually elected board members (serve four-year terms), the Pennsylvania State Board of Education, the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Pennsylvania General Assembly. And, unlike some sites, we don't use misleading tactics to trick your friends. One hundred fifty Pennsylvania school districts received the base 2% increase. [20], York Suburban Senior High School is located at 1800 Hollywood Drive, York, Pennsylvania. [53] Pennsylvania ranked 40th among states with SAT scores: Verbal - 493, Math - 501, Writing - 479. For special education costs, 129 districts received approval to exceed the tax limit. For special education costs, 129 districts received approval to exceed the tax limit. The district's colors are orange and black with the Trojan as the mascot. People have varying thoughts on a school resource officer, some being good and some being bad. [16] In 2011, York Suburban School District achieved Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). Adapted examinations are given to children in the special education programs. The Board of School Directors of the York Suburban School District adopts the following Administrative Compensation Plan pursuant to the “Public School Code of 1949,”as amended, Section 1164. They must meet the same eligibility rules as the students enrolled in the District's schools. A student living in a neighboring public school district or a foreign exchange student may seek admission to York Suburban School District. In Pennsylvania, 60.3% of 11th graders are on grade level. [109] The Governor's Executive Budget for 2012-2013 included $9.34 billion for kindergarten through 12th grade public education, including $5.4 billion in basic education funding, which was an increase of $49 million over the 2011-12 budget. The policy must be available on the school's website and posted in every classroom. A full-time digital academy also is available to families in the district. [70][71], The York Suburban School Board prohibits bullying by district students and faculty. In 2011, the District's graduation rate was 98%. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, in 2010, the school had 864 pupils enrolled in grades 9th through 12th, with 136 pupils receiving a federal free or reduced-price lunch due to family poverty. Term expires 2021, Michael Thoman State - 76.9%, 2010 - 87%, 67% advanced (6% below basic). Some districts have more than 20% of its students receiving special education services while others have 10% supported through special education. [67] In 2011, 93% of the students in grades 3rd through 5th were reading on grade level. Michele Merkle's resignation Monday night, less than two weeks after she went on medical leave. In 2012, the District was 116th. [123] The Pennsylvania Department of Education advised the districts to use the money for nonrecurring expenses like purchasing equipment and teaching resources like books, and software. State: 68%, 2011 - 86% on grade level 70% advanced (5% below basic). Property owners apply for the relief through the county Treasurer's office. Regular monthly meeting of the Committee of the Whole (Planning Meeting) is the 2nd Monday of the month. [85] By law, the district must provide mentally gifted programs at all grade levels. [93] Additionally, the district's teachers receive: a defined benefit pension, health insurance, life insurance, college credit reimbursement, 2 paid personal days, sick days (4 sick days may be taken for illness of a family member), 4 paid bereavement days, a retirement incentive bonus and other benefits. The Solicitor, elected and hired for a stipulated fee by the Board, advises the Board in legal matters and completes various legal activities involving the School District. York Suburban School Board President Lynne A. Leopold-Sharp issued the following statement Tuesday: "We have received confirmation that, after a formal criminal investigation by the York … The ranking was based on the last three years of student academic achievement on the PSSA results in: reading, writing, math and science. [50] Per the Pennsylvania Department of Education, one in three recent high school graduates who attend Pennsylvania's public universities and community colleges takes at least one remedial course in math, reading or English. The YS All-Sports Booster Club has an officer position opening for Treasurer to join the Executive Board. Under Pennsylvania's Taxpayer Relief Act, Act 1 of the Special Session of 2006, all school districts of the first class A, second class, third class and fourth class must adopt a preliminary budget proposal. [5] In the Commonwealth, the median family income was $49,501 [6] and the United States median family income was $49,445, in 2010. [111][112] Additionally, the School District received $46,195 in Accountability Block Grant funding. [69], In 2009, the administration reported there were zero incidents of bullying in the district. State - 59%. [94], York Suburban School District administrative costs per pupil in 2008 was $840 per pupil. In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, pension income and Social Security income are exempted from state personal income tax and local earned income tax, regardless of the level of personal wealth. The 2012 tuition rates are Elementary School - $11,991.53, High School - $12,288.05. 2012 - 74% on grade level (12% below basic). For the exception for pension costs, 89 school districts received approval to exceed the Index in full while others received a partial approval of their request. Status of the plans: Final Health and Safety Plan was approved on July 22. [45][46][47] In 2011, Pennsylvania high school students field tested the Algebra 1, Biology and English Lit exams. For questions regarding position qualifications or application procedures, please contact York Suburban School District directly. The state also provided a $544.4 million payment for School Employees’ Social Security and $856 million for School Employees’ Retirement fund called PSERS. Superintendent, School Board Secretary, and Student Representative serve as non-voting members. In York County, 12 school districts received a less than 6% increase in state basic education funding in 2009 and three districts received the base 2% increase. [101] Among the states, Pennsylvania's total per pupil revenue (including all sources) ranked 11th at $15,023 per student, in 2008–09. According to a Pennsylvania Department of Education study released in January 2009, 31% of York Suburban School District graduates required remediation in mathematics and or reading before they were prepared to take college level courses in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education or community colleges. The base index is the average of the percentage increase in the statewide average weekly wage, as determined by the PA Department of Labor and Industry, for the preceding calendar year and the percentage increase in the Employment Cost Index for Elementary and Secondary Schools, as determined by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the U.S. Department of Labor, for the previous 12-month period ending June 30. Individuals must apply annually for the rebate. [82], The School District received a $1,100,541 supplement for special education services in 2010. August 2007", "York Suburban Senior High School Academic Achievement Report Card 2011", http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/school_assessments/7442, http://thetimes-tribune.com/data-center/grading-our-schools/math-pssa-scores-by-district-2007-08-1.85944?appSession=025196078670492#axzz1BDLH8ud9, "York Suburban Senior High School Academic Achievement Report Card 2012", "York Suburban SD 2010 Science PSSA results", "York Suburban School District PSSA results 2009", http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/school_assessments/7442/2007-2008_pssa_and_ayp_results/507514, "York Suburban School District Graduation Requirements Policy 217", "Pennsylvania Code §4.24 (a) High school graduation requirements", "Rules and Regulation Title 22 PA School Code Chapter 4", "Pennsylvania College Remediation Report", "National Center for Education Statistics - IPEDS 2008", "Pennsylvania Department of Education - Dual Enrollment Guidelines 2010-11", "Pennsylvania Transfer and Articulation Agreement. Site accessed March 2010", "SAT Scores State By State - Pennsylvania", "While U.S. LoisAnn.Schroeder@yssd.org The district used the funding to provide full-day kindergarten for the 7th year. The School District of the City of York has proposed a preliminary p... lan to move to a Hybrid Learning model for the third marking period at the School Board Committee Meeting last evening. [142][143], The School District Adjusted Index for the York Suburban School District 2006-2007 through 2011–2012. Applicants can exclude one-half (1/2) of their Social Security income, consequently individuals who have income substantially greater than $35,000, may still qualify for a rebate. In 2010, the school had 465 pupils enrolled in grades kindergarten and first grades, with 89 pupils receiving a federal free or reduced-price lunch due to family poverty. [66] In 2010 and 2011, Indian Rock Elementary School achieved AYP status. Irregular property reassessments have become a serious issue in the Commonwealth as it creates a significant disparity in taxation within a community and across a region. The state offers a small grant to assist students in costs for tuition, fees and books. District: York Suburban. Public comment is encouraged and welcomed at both planning meetings and regular monthly board meetings. May 23, 2007", "2009 PSSA RESULTS York Suburban School District", "Overachiever statewide ranking, ''Pittsburgh Business Times''. Three board members voted against the proposal, noting that the district should not be discouraging the hard work that goes into attaining class rank or taking away well-earned recognition from students. The lowest administrative cost per pupil in Pennsylvania was $398 per pupil. (Measurement: revamped curriculum and internship and externship opportunities), Use student achievement data to refine curriculum to better address the academic standards resulting in improved longitudinal academic achievement. Among Pennsylvania school districts, the highest increase in 2010-11 went to Kennett Consolidated School District in Chester County which received a 23.65% increase in state funding. Term expires 2023, James Sanders 59% advanced (8% below basic). The teachers are organized in seven teams that meet daily to plan: interdisciplinary, departmental and team activities and to review and monitor student progress. A School Resource Officer or an SRO is a police officer who is responsible for safety and crime prevention in a school setting. Mrs. Veronica Gemma. State - 68%. York Suburban Senior High School's rate was 90.87% for 2010. Assistant Superintendent [137] According to a report prepared by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, the total real estate taxes collected by all school districts in Pennsylvania rose from $6,474,133,936 in 1999–00 to $10,438,463,356 in 2008-09 and to $11,153,412,490 in 2011. January 2008", "Pennsylvania Department of Revenue - Personal Income Taxation Guidelines. [78], In 2010, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania provided $1,026,815,000 for special education services. [63] In 2010 and 2011, East York Elementary School achieved AYP status. The school had 700 pupils in grades 6th through 8th, with 159 students receiving a federal free or reduced-price lunch due to family poverty. [64] In 2011, 86% of the students in grades 3rd through 5th were reading on grade level. Accessed April 2010", "Pennsylvania Education funding by Local School District", "SB1466 of 2012 General Fund Appropriation", "Basic Education Funding 2011-2012 Fiscal Year", "PA Basic Education Funding-Printout2 2010-2011 Pennsylvania House Appropriations Committee Education Budget information", "Pennsylvania Budget Proposal 2010, Office of the Budget, February 2010", "Pennsylvania Department of Education Report on Funding by school district October 2009", "Pennsylvania Department of Education Funding Report by Local Education Agency, October 2009", "Pennsylvania Department of Education - Accountability Block Grant report 2010, Grantee list 2010", "Accountability Block Grant Mid Year report", "Pennsylvania Auditor General CFF grants audit 12/22/08", "Pennsylvania's 'Race to the Top' Fueled by Effective Reforms, Strong Local Support", "Race to the Top Fund, U.S. Department of Education, March 29, 2010", "Common Cents program - Making Every Dollar Count", "Real Estate Tax Rates by School District 2012-13 Real Estate Mills", "Pennsylvania Department of Education, Act 511 Tax Report, 2004", "A Special Performance Audit of the Pennsylvania State Tax Equalization Boards", "Real Estate Tax Millage by School District,", "Pennsylvania School District Finances_Real Estate Tax Rates_0910", "Pennsylvania School District Real Estate Tax Rates 2008-09", "Pennsylvania Department of Education 2010-11 Act 1 of 2006 Referendum Exception Guidelines", "Law could restrict school construction projects", "Property tax reform final piece of state budget", "Special Session Act 1 of 2006 School District Adjusted Index for 2006-2007 through 2011-2012, Report prepared by Pennsylvania Department of Education, May 2010", "Special Session Act 1 of 2006 the Taxpayer Relief Act information", "Pennsylvania SSAct1_Act1 Exceptions Report 2010-2011 April 2010", "Scarcella, Frank and Pursell, Tricia, Local school tax assessments exceed state averages. In 2009, the academic achievement of the students of York Suburban School District was in the 85th percentile among 500 Pennsylvania school districts. Pennsylvania school district reserve funds are divided into two categories – designated and undesignated. York Suburban Senior High School is located at 1800 Hollywood Dr, York, PA, 17403. The designated fund balance was reported as $2,079,754. York Suburban Senior High School is ranked #1,370 in the National Rankings. (USA). [57], The school reports employing 52 teachers, yielding a student–teacher ratio of 13:1. [120][121], The Classroom for the Future state program provided districts with hundreds of thousands of extra state funding to buy laptop computers for each core curriculum high school class (English, Science, History, Math) and paid for teacher training to optimize the computers use. In 2011 the district reported spending over $819,000 to provide its extensive sports program. In Pennsylvania, 81.8% of 8th graders on grade level. [95] The Pennsylvania School Boards Association keeps statistics on salaries of public school district employees in Pennsylvania. [157], According to a report published in the York Dispatch, the district initiated a $25 fee to participate in sports in 2011–12. [129] In 2010, miscalculations by the State Tax Equalization Board (STEB) were widespread in the Commonwealth and adversely impacted funding for many school districts, including those that did not cross county borders. Among the 500 school districts in Pennsylvania, Muhlenberg School District in Berks County received the highest with a 22.31% increase in funding. Homes Nearby. According to the Tax Foundation, Pennsylvania ranked 11th in the U.S. in 2008 in terms of property taxes paid as a percentage of home value (1.34%) and 12th in the country in terms of property taxes as a percentage of income (3.55%). According to 2000 federal census data, it serves a resident population of 21,067 people. This was the first amendment of the district's policy on searching students since 1994. The Writing average score was 502. State – 58.3% of 8th graders were on grade level. 2011 - 92% on grade level, 75% advanced. For the exception for pension costs, 194 school districts received approval to exceed the Index. Of the 501 public school districts in Pennsylvania, 447 of them received Classrooms for the Future grant awards [122]. The school employed 24 teachers, yielding a student–teacher ratio of 14:1. York Suburban School District officials applied for the Race to the Top federal grant. She currently teaches 10th grade mathematics at York Suburban High School in Central, Pennsylvania. The highest increase in York County was awarded to Hanover Public School District at 8.39%. If further discussion is necessary the question may be referred to the Assistant Superintendent. 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[ 151 ] the same eligibility rules as the mascot 28 teachers yielding!